sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016

Integrantes Queen [ROGER TAYLOR]

Fecha de nacimiento: 26 de julio de 1949
Lugar: King's Lynn, Norfolk, England

Actividad en Queen: BaterRa, percusión, voces

Grupos antes de Queen:
The Bubblingover Boys (1957)
Beat Unlimited/Cousin Jacks/The Falcons (1964 - principios de 1965)
Johnny Quale and the Reactions/Reaction (principios de 1965 - otoño de 1968)
Smile (otoño de 1968 - verano de 1970)

Canciones compuestas por Roger:

Modern Times Rock'n'Roll
The Loser In The End
Tenement Funster
I'm In Love With My Car
Sheer Heart Attack
Fight From The Inside
Fun It
More Of That Jazz
Rock It (prime jive)
Coming Soon
A Human Body (b-side to Play The Game)
In The Space Capsule
In The Death Cell
Escape From The Swamp
Marriage Of Dale And Ming (with Brian)
Action This Day
Calling All Girls
Radio Ga Ga
Machines or Back To Humans (with Brian)
A Kind Of Magic
Don't Lose Your Head
Heaven For Everyone

Canciones firmadas por Queen pero probablemente compuestas por Roger:

Under Pressure
The Invisible Man
Ride The Wild Wind
These Are The Days Of Our Lives

Canciones con cantadas por Roger:

Modern Times Rock 'n' Roll
The Loser In the End
Tenement Funster
I'm in Love With My Car
Fight From the Inside
Fun It
More of that Jazz
Rock It (prime jive) (Freddie canta la primera parte)
A Human Body (cara b de Play The Game)
Hijack My Heart (cara B de Breakthru)
Let Me Live (segunda estrofa y puente)


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